Flick Note

A notepad app for Android with a lot of neat little features. It synced with Simplenote to keep notes in sync and leveraged it’s sharing feature to real-time allow multiple users to edit the same note.

It allowed in line markdown. For example you could type #Title and it would immediately change the text size of that line to an H1 size. For more complex markdown or to view the page without the markdown trigger characters you could preview the markdown page side by side or export the markdown page to HTML or publish it online from within the app.

It also allowed for making checkboxes by just typing a box [_] and it would then be possible to check the box by just tapping on the box.

You could color notes, add tags, add homescreen widgets of notes and scroll through the entire note from the widget.

All in all my favourite app I’ve made, I’ve just unfortunately lost the code and it’s slowly stopped functioning over the years as new versions of Android come out.

APK Download (no longer functioning)

No code available.